Radio Free Enterprise: Jeff Kofman The Accidental CEO

Jeff Kofman The Accidental CEO
April 5, 2017

I like to talk about a lot of different things on this podcast including technology, venture capital, how businesses and industries arise to solve problems and address needs.

I like to talk about first-time business owners and Boomerpreneurs – people who start a business in their retirement years. Most of all, I like speaking with creative and interesting people.

In today’s program I am bringing you all of that in the person of Jeff Kofman, who is CEO and co-founder and an incredible startup called Trint.

After 33 years as a broadcast journalist for CBC, BBC, CBS and ABC, Jeff Kofman became “The Accidental CEO” of this London-based tech startup.

In this episode of Radio Free Enterprise, Jeff talks about how he came to be an entrepreneur at this stage in his life and the similarities between being a war correspondent and the CEO of a fast-growing company.

Originally published here.

We’re always happy to chat about the innovative tech we work on here at Trint, so don’t hesitate to get in touch with us for all media enquiries at

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